"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."
--Â Henry David Thoreau
Note from your Sexton:
We had an amazing trail work day in July. Six energetic volunteers restored a long section of the historic rock wall above the Third Branch of the White River and spread wood chips to surface and level the Eileen's Ring trail in record time! They still had energy, so after taking a break they blazed a whole new trail from the Ring into the deeper areas of the Sheepfold.Â
I am just amazed at the power of volunteer energy. On this one day, we basically doubled the length of improved trail in the Cemetery. We will have another trail work day on August 18th, and I cannot wait. Interested in volunteering? Check out other opportunities at the end of this newsletter.Â
Note from your Head Cemeterian:
While we can't do one-on-one tours for everyone, we can offer private tours for groups of four or more, and I've really  enjoyed working with many of you in this way this summer. From a Buddhist group to The Northeast Death Doula Network to groups of friends, these small groups bring home how natural burial is a community event while helping us spread the word about who we are and what we do.  I have also absolutely loved bringing the short documentary From Earth to Earth to local venues. These screenings have been filled with great people with great questions and I'm excited to be doing more this fall.  Please email me to arrange a group tour or a screening!
We had a whirlwind of activity during July and while we may not have as many events in August... hold onto your hats for September! And mark your calendars: we will be holding our First Anniversary celebration over Indigenous People's Day weekend, October 12th and 13th.
August Events
Evening Tour with board member Andrea Stander, Thursday August 15th at 6pm. Please RSVP here.
Trail Work Day, Sunday August 18th at 11am. RSVP here.
Cemetery Tour with Jennifer Whitman, Sunday August 25th at 11am. RSVP here.
Cemetery Tour with board member Meg Lucas, Saturday August 31st at 10am.
RSVPÂ here.
Looking ahead to September:
Michelle will be hosting another of her popular Founder's Tours on Saturday, Sept. 7. Kimball Library in Randolph will present a screening of From Earth to Earth on Tuesday, September 10, including a Q&A session with Michelle. The first of two September work days will be on 9/8, and Michelle will be a featured speaker at of the TEDxHartlandHill Conference at Billings Farm in Woodstock on 9/14. There's so much more! Please check our website for details.
We need your support to extend the road in our cemetery, ensuring easier access for all visitors. No contribution is too small, and every bit helps us reach our goal. Together, we can make a significant difference!  100% tax-deductible donations can be made online by clicking here. Â
Thank you for your kindness and support.